made a total mess|make a total mess in English

created confusion and disorde

Use "made a total mess|make a total mess" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "made a total mess|make a total mess" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "made a total mess|make a total mess", or refer to the context using the word "made a total mess|make a total mess" in the English Dictionary.

1. You made a mess.

2. Quite a little mess you've made here.

3. You guys made a mess at Shanghai.

4. Nice mess you've made.

5. He made a frightful mess in the kitchen.

6. You sure made a mess of this place.

7. I've made a real mess of my exams.

8. The kids made a mess in the bathroom.

9. Apparently he made a mess of his audition.

10. You didn't make a mess in there, did you?

11. It's a mess.

12. Just a mess.

13. 20 We made a fearful mess of the room.

14. 12 Jesus, just look what a mess they've made!

15. 1 He made a frightful mess in the kitchen.

16. 5 He made a frightful mess in the kitchen.

17. What a mess!

18. What a mess.

19. You're a mess.

20. Made you this sad, real mess.

21. Look at the mess you've made!

22. Well, you made an awful mess.

23. How could you make such a fucking mess like this?

24. I made the book crinkle and black with a mess.

25. Not yet a terrible mess, but a vaguely irritating, vaguely disquieting, formless mess.